Cozen Page 17
Sargon knew this scent was going to be that for him.
A trigger.
A trigger of her.
“Come in,” she whispered. “Stay with me tonight.”
Sargon slipped his hands under her jaw, and tipped her head back a bit so he could stare right into her eyes. Quickly, he dropped one kiss, and then a faster second one, on the seam of her softly smiling lips.
Then, he stepped back.
Cozen frowned.
“Get comfortable,” he told her as he turned around to head back down the hall.
“Seriously, you’re leaving?”
Sargon chuckled.
Didn’t she like her games?
“I told you, get comfortable for me.”
He didn’t bother to turn around. No, he just waved his hand high over his shoulder before he disappeared out the hallway door. He took the stairs two at a time, and then exited the apartment building just as fast as he had come in.
The cool May breeze from earlier in the evening had died down a bit. It was slightly warmer—comfortable, even. Summer would soon be there.
Sargon scanned the parking lot, and the streets as he slipped into the Mercedes. The engine purred to life under his handling, and he spun the tires a bit leaving the lot. He wasn’t sure how long he drove around the city.
Enough to lose anyone following him, anyway.
That was his plan.
Sargon didn’t know who to trust—he didn’t have the first clue if he was being followed, or watched. After all, Jett had him following Cozen on a regular basis. Who was to say the man wasn’t having someone else keep an eye on Sargon, too?
He parked the car in a hotel’s parking lot, and then used back alleys to get himself lost.
Well, not really.
He just needed to disappear for a bit.
A cab took him back to Cozen’s place, and then he hit all the buzzers at once to trick someone into letting him inside the building. He’d pick up the car again tomorrow sometime in the morning. Just in case … GPS, and all.
Sargon trusted no one.
Except …
He had a feeling he could trust her because they were kind of in this mess together now. The brown-haired, russet-eyed beauty that opened the apartment door to greet him.
Cozen had changed out of her dress, and slipped on something silky, and pretty.
It even had lace trim.
Black lace.
“Black lace is my favorite,” he told her.
Cozen grinned. “Good to know.”
“I wasn’t really going to refuse your offer.”
“I figured that out when you told me to get comfortable for you.”
Sargon kicked the door closed behind him.
The phone was ringing—Sargon’s cell—but he wasn’t paying attention. He didn’t care to roll over and find the goddamn thing when he had far better things to be doing at the moment. He was far too busy imprinting the scent and taste of Cozen to be worrying about who was calling him at …
Sargon glanced up from the spot where he was kissing on Cozen’s spine to peek at the clock on the wall. Six in the morning.
Fuck that.
He was not picking up the phone.
“That’s the second call this—”
“Hush,” Sargon demanded before going back to kissing a path down Cozen’s spine. Naked in her nest of blankets and pillows, one probably wouldn’t even know it was just the floor beneath them. It was quite soft, and comfortable, all things considered. “Hush, and let me enjoy you for five more minutes.”
Cozen laughed breathlessly. “Only five?”
“Don’t test me, woman.”
To make his point, one of his palms smacked down on her ass. He felt the heat rise to the surface of her skin damn near instantly. He grabbed her backside firmly in the same spot, rolled to his side, and dragged her with him. Tucking her against his naked chest, he buried his face in her neck, and sucked on her pulse point.
Her heart raced as his hand skimmed her curves, and then dropped down between her thighs. She spread her legs open even more for him.
“You’re terribly fucking needy this morning,” he said, letting his fingers stroke her pussy. “And wet. Shit, feel how wet you are, Cozen.”
Her hand slipped down to meet his between her legs. He nipped at the spot where her throat met her shoulder as her fingers sunk into her pussy alongside his two. He pulled out just to stroke her clit while she fucked herself.
Cozen’s sweet cries turned into soft mewls. Her leg hooked around his, and tangled tight to lock her into place. He kept those circling strokes at a firm pressure against her clit as a tremor began to work its way through her body.
He could smell her all around him.
Feel her all over his skin.
Her taste was in his mouth—the best thing he’d ever tasted first thing in the morning was her pussy on his tongue.
Nothing was ever going to compare to that.
Cozen tipped her head back on the pillow to look up at him. All mused hair, swollen lips from waking him up by sucking him off, and eyes darkened with lust. All her makeup from the night before was gone, and he’d ruined that pretty, silk nightie of hers when he all but ripped it off.
Not that she minded.
Now, it was just them, and skin.
And sex.
“An amber brown,” Cozen whispered.
She was so close to coming—he knew it. He could feel it in the way her heart raced under his kiss, and the shake in her thighs. Her voice had turned breathless and high. The sounds of her fingers thrusting in time with his circles filled the space.
“Amber?” he asked. “For what?”
“It’s the color of your eyes.”
Sargon smiled. “It is.”
“And it’s my favorite color.”
He couldn’t hold himself back from kissing her sweet mouth any longer. His lips came down on hers, and he felt all her soft sounds muffle against his kiss. His tongue flicked against the seam of her lips, demanding entrance. She came around her own fingers and his teasing touch as their tongues danced a now-familiar rhythm.
Sargon couldn’t control his needs long enough to let Cozen relax again. He rolled them back over, and put Cozen on her back. She was already widening her legs for him, and pulling him in close.
She pulled him in for another searing kiss as he found heaven in that first thrust. She surrounded him in peace. The rest of the world ceased to exist while he was fucking her.
What more could he want?
“Oh, my God,” Cozen breathed in his ear.
Her fingers tangled in his hair while his teeth left imprints on her throat. He had the most indescribable urge to leave his marks behind.
So even after he was done fucking her—even when he was gone—she would still feel him. She could still see him, and that he had been there.
Sargon’s phone started ringing.
“Fuck,” he muttered against her throat.
Cozen answered him back with a laugh.
He just fucked her harder—a brutal pace that left him with lines down his back from her fingernails, and her bite mark on his shoulder. All that sweet, soft love was gone, then. There was no sweetness or softness left between them.
Just her begging.
And him taking.
“I want to come,” he heard her say. “Please.”
Oh, he would give her that, too.
Sargon pulled out of the heaven between her thighs, and quickly flipped Cozen over to her knees. He yanked her back to him, likely dragging her knees a little too roughly against the blankets. Once her ass was perched high, he dove right back in.
One of his hands wrapped around her middle to pull her harder into his thrusts.
More, more, more …
That’s all he heard her ask for.
“You want more—you need more, Cozen?”
Her words were a hiss beneath her whisper. It was still a balm to his soul. All of her words were like that for him.
He pulled his cock from her pussy, and slid the head through her folds again. Cozen stilled, but then one of her sweet little sighs echoed when he used his fingers to smear her wetness from her pussy up to her ass. He fucked her ass with his fingers, stretching her full and wide, while his cock slid back into the wet, tight heaven of her cunt. It didn’t take long at all for the neighbors to start hearing his name being shouted after that when Cozen came again.
“Jesus Christ,” she breathed.
Cozen’s voice was a hum in the back of his mind. Her words urging him to a finish he knew was coming on quick. He could feel it in the tightness of his spine, the heat in his gut, and the ache in his fucking balls.
Sargon used Cozen’s slick, trembling back to catch his come when he pulled out. He painted her overheated skin with streams of white.
Her breathless laughter teased him again. He flipped her over to see her eyes.
Cozen wet her lips, and smiled sinfully. “You made a mess.”
Sargon reached for his phone he’d discarded earlier into the blankets. “You don’t care.”
“As long as you wash me off before you go.”
“Deal, sweetheart.”
He checked his phone—it hadn’t stopped ringing.
Two voicemails.
Five missed calls.
All from Jett.
Sargon gave Cozen a look as he dialed the messaging inbox, and put the phone to his ear. Soon, Jett’s messages were playing back to him. The first was just demanding to know where he was since he wasn’t picking up the calls.
The second was worse.
“I want you to pick up Cozen and deliver her to my favorite breakfast spot,” Jett said. “And give me a call when you’re going to do it since you can’t seem to pick up the fucking phone this morning. She’ll say she has work today, but I already called her in. I promised her I would see her soon, after all.”
Sargon tossed the phone away when the message was done—his high from fucking Cozen almost entirely gone.
It was only eased slightly by Cozen reaching for him. Her small arms locked around him like bars holding him tight, and then she pulled him to her. He didn’t even mind falling down on the blankets, and burying his face into her sweet-smelling, warm skin again.
“Good morning,” she said into his hair.
Sargon chuckled. “For now, sure.”
“Who was calling?”
“Who do you think?”
She stiffened. “Jett?”
“You’ve been summoned. For breakfast, apparently.”
Her russet eyes searched his before she said, “Okay.”
And just like that, his high was gone again.
“And of course, you saw the library the last time you were here,” Jett said.
“Show me again,” Cozen replied, smiling widely. “I’m sure you’ll have something new and interesting to show me. I didn’t get to see very much the last time I was in here.”
Jett Griffin was the kind of man who loved to be praised. And adored. He enjoyed attention being on him, and his home. Cozen had come to learn these things easily, and she didn’t mind feeding in to the man’s whims to get what she wanted and needed.
“The library, then,” he said.
At the same time, he dragged her close to his side, and planted a quick kiss to her temple. His affections were becoming more physical with each meeting they had, and he was no longer attempting to hold them back. Cozen was still doing her best to deflect them when she could, but this time, she didn’t.
Instead of distracting Jett, she pushed closer to him, and slid an arm around his side. She needed to get him out of her hair for a while—long enough to be without him and look around alone.
Her hand slipped into his pocket as he grinned at her, clearly enjoying the fact she had brought him closer, and she made quick work of sliding his phone from his pocket. A phone he rarely let out of his sights, as far as she had noticed. It was always ringing, too. He would likely be in a terrible fit should he … lose it for a while.
Jett turned them quickly to face one another as they strolled into the library, and Cozen hid his phone at her back when he grabbed her face in his hands. “Have I told you how beautiful you look today?”
Please don’t ring yet, she silently begged the phone.
“I think you did,” she replied sweetly.
“Shame. You should be told more often.” Jett reached over her shoulder, and pressed his palm against one of the bookshelves. “Now, here’s an interesting secret for you about this library.”
Cozen deftly slipped his phone into the pocket of her dress when she turned at his urging to find the large bookshelf had opened up to reveal a staircase behind it. “And where does that lead to?”
“My private quarters ups—”
“Mr. Griffin,” came the nasally voice of one of the maids, “Jones wanted me to let you know that a call came into the landline.”
Jett barely even looked over his shoulder at the woman when he replied, “Have him put it through to my cell.”
Cozen stiffened.
Then, Jett patted at his pocket when the maid left, but his gaze narrowed. Cozen kept her expression neutral, but inside, she was screaming.
“Where in the hell …” Jett flashed Cozen a smile before he said, “I think I left my phone in the dining room. Are you okay to look around a bit? I’ll find you, darling.”
“More than fine,” she assured.
Seems her little trick did work.
The second Jett was gone from the library, Cozen considered herself free to do as she pleased. At least until Jett got tired of looking for his missing phone, and came to search for her instead.
Anything helped.
Cozen slipped into the hidden stairwell just as the phone in her pocket started to softly ring with the call that had been put through to Jett’s cell. She slipped her hand in her pocket, and hit the button to mute the ring, and took the stairs a little bit quicker.
She didn’t think Jett meant for her to go upstairs into his private quarters alone, but she had the chance, so …
Taking it.
Cozen came to the top of the stairs only to find a wall she had to push open to get to the other side. Like the bookshelves, it swung outward but this time revealed a long hallway with opened doors. Directly across from her looked like … a spare bedroom.
“Shit,” Cozen muttered.
A spare bedroom was useless.
Still, she stepped into the hallway and went further down. Again, Jett’s phone rang in her pocket, but once more, she silenced it.
She passed several rooms—none that interested her. Spare bedrooms, living quarters, and even an entertainment room. Similar to the downstairs layout, really, but with more personal touches from Jett himself.
Finally, Cozen found herself in a room that might be of some interest. A bedroom, but not a spare. Definitely the master bedroom by the looks of it. On the nightstand, Cozen found a Rolex watch haphazardly tossed into a glass bowl, along with a couple of rings.
One of the rings being the one she had stolen from him after their first date.
Seemed Sargon had gotten it back to the man.
None the wiser.
Cozen made quick work of opening drawers in the nightstands, and then moving onto Jett’s dressers, too. She kept an ear out as she carefully dug through the man’s personal items trying to find any sign of the Astor ring, or even something that might point her in the right direction.
Occasionally, Jett’s phone would ring, and she would silence it.
She had been trying to keep time in her head of how long she had been gone from Jett—so far, less than ten minutes.
He wouldn’t let her go much longer, she figured.
Cozen slipped into the attached wa
lk-in closet, and was surprised to find Jett’s very expensive jewelry and watch collection on display inside glass cases. The watches rotated on mechanical arms while the jewelry rested on top of black velvet.
No ruby.
No Astor ring.
Cozen’s frustration picked up, but she moved to the racks of hanging clothes, and moved things aside. Maybe there was a safe behind them, or something. A man like Jett had to have a safe.
She found fucking nothing.
Frustrated, Cozen didn’t even bother checking the two bathrooms attached to the master bedroom. She had a good clue that nothing was going to be inside them, anyway, and it would be a waste of her time to check.
She was running out of time.
She had to move on.
One door down, Cozen found an office.
She was half way into the office when she heard Jett calling for her.
“Cozen, darling?”
His voice echoed.
The stairwell, she figured.
Cozen’s heart raced as she slipped Jett’s phone onto the seat of the large leather chair behind the big oak desk. The office was a sprawling room with vaulted ceilings, richly stained wood, and a desk big enough to be a dining table for a dozen people. Jett favored his leather in there, and dark whiskey. Shelves had been lined with old, leather-bound books.
She pulled out a couple of drawers on the desk as Jett called out her name, and then muffled like he had gone inside a room.
Maybe the entertainment room she passed.
Nothing was in the desk.
She turned, and her eye caught something else.
A painting just above the desk that was slightly angled away from the wall on one side. As though it was on hinges, or something.
Cozen reached for it, and pulled it open.
Her heart stopped.
A grin split her face.
An electronic safe rested behind the painting.
Cozen closed the painting just as Jett’s footsteps echoed in the hallway, and then disappeared again. She was quick to step out of the office, and move down the hall. Slipping into a bathroom, and closing the door behind her.
She only came out of the bathroom when she heard Jett calling for her once more.