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Disgrace (John + Siena Book 2) Page 3

  “What is?”

  “I’ve been focusing on the business a lot lately.”

  “Because you don’t know what’s happening?”


  Leonard nodded once. “You’re going to do fine, John. Regardless if you leave here and it is sunshine, rainbows, and puppies, or if it is hellfire, chaos, and anarchy. The unknown can only really threaten your stability if you allow it to dig in a bit too much, if you get what I mean.”

  “I do.”

  “Good.” Leonard stood, and brushed invisible lint from his pant legs. “I also have another proposition for you before I give you some good news.”

  John smirked. “How about you give me the good news first?”

  “Nice try. I make the rules.”


  “What is the proposition?” John asked.

  “You need a therapist when you leave here.”

  John stiffened.

  This was not a topic he wanted to discuss because it was a sore spot for him. He didn’t like the idea of leaving Clearview Oaks only to need to find a new therapist to see. He was not about to trust someone after the last debacle.

  “I can physically feel how much discomfort this is causing you,” Leonard said.

  “Yeah, well, what can you do,” John said through gritted teeth. “Nothing, apparently.”

  “I would take your file on as a patient outside of this facility. Twice weekly. One weekday, and one day on the weekend.”

  The tension in John’s body bled out slowly. “Would you?”

  “Sometimes,” Leonard said, “it is more about the patient finding the right doctor, than it is about anything else.”

  “Twice weekly, then.”

  “Do you want the good news, now?”

  John nodded, and stood from the chair. “I almost forgot about it with the whole new therapist thing, actually. What is it?”

  “You’ll have visitors tomorrow. Your cousin—Andino—and a couple of people he’s bringing along. Ladies, apparently, if the information he provided is to be trusted. Unlike his father, Andino doesn’t tend to be disruptive when he comes here.”

  John only laughed. “My uncle, Giovanni, makes it his first and only goal to have fun.”

  “This is not the place for fun.”


  “You didn’t ask who Andino is bringing, by the way,” Leonard said over his shoulder as he left the room.


  He hadn’t.

  Too late now.

  • • •

  “John, my man. You’re looking good.”

  He heard his cousin’s greeting, and felt Andino’s firm hug, but John’s gaze was locked on the dark-haired beauty standing just a few feet away. After all, it was kind of fucking impossible for him to pay attention to anything when the love of his life was once again gracing his presence. She was the only thing that ever mattered.

  Siena wore the brightest smile that matched the flower printed summer dress accentuating all of her curves and height. A dress that showed off all kinds of leg, and the four inch heels on her feet. She had let her long, dark hair down in soft waves. One of his favorite styles on her because he could wrap his fingers in the silky strands, and get lost. She’d painted her lips a striking red, and those blue eyes of hers never left him once.


  What had Andino just said?

  John didn’t know.

  His attention was somewhere else entirely.

  “What?” he asked Andino.

  His cousin only laughed, and the man’s green eyes looked John over. In his usual suit and shined shoes, Andino made John miss the fact he hadn’t worn proper Armani in months. Instead, he’d dressed down with jeans and T-shirts.

  “Shit, you didn’t hear a word I just said, huh?” Andino asked.

  John’s gaze drifted to a very patient, quiet Siena. “Not really, no. Sorry, man.”

  Andino clapped John’s cheek with a gentle pat as he chuckled. “Nah, it’s okay. You’ve got a good reason to be off your game today. I guess they didn’t fill you in on who I was bringing along to visit, or what?”

  “Leonard has his odd ways.”

  “Sure, sure.”

  “It’s good, though.”

  So good.

  John wasn’t the type who appreciated surprises, but this was far more than fine. Surprises were unknowns that he couldn’t prepare for, and he much preferred to prepare for an unknown. This, though? He didn’t mind this surprise at all.

  “Anyway,” Andino said, turning to stand beside John. His cousin gestured in front of them. “I said, I hope you don’t mind that I brought someone else to properly meet you. I mean, I know this place is supposed to be sacred for you, and all. Focusing on you, but I might not get another time to do this before you come home.”


  The woman standing at Siena’s side.


  John had noticed the woman, of course, but his mind always tended to focus in on the most important things first, and then everything else second. Siena was, by far, the most important thing standing on the walkway in that moment when it came to John and his life. And shit, he had been counting down the days until he would get to see Siena again. Not that he had known today would be the day.

  No offence to Haven.

  Or Andino.

  John said none of those things out loud.

  “You don’t mind, do you?” Andino asked again.

  John shook his head. “No, man. Of course, not.”

  “Good. I want you to meet the girl I’m going to marry, you know. Properly fucking meet her, John. Not hear things about her from someone else, or see her in passing. Actually meet her with me. Take some time to sit down and have a real conversation with her. I talk about you all the time, and she’s a little out of the loop about me and you. Kind of a big fucking deal to me, and everything.”

  John’s brow rose high as he took in his cousin a second time. Andino never looked more nervous than he had in that moment. His cousin scrubbed a hand over his unshaven jaw, and his gaze kept darting back to Haven like he didn’t want to take his eyes off her for even one damn minute.


  John knew that look.

  He had that look.

  Every time he looked at Siena, that was.

  It was kind of strange for John to see his cousin so off-balance in this way. And marriage? Genuine, honest to God, going to settle down marriage?

  John never thought he would see the day. Not where Andino was concerned, anyway. His cousin just wasn’t the type to settle down into a monogamous relationship where something like forever and love might get thrown in the conversation. Not to mention, Andino was usually the guy who liked to poke fun at a man who did get his dick tied into a knot over a woman.

  This was a whole one-eighty.

  So yeah, John did a double-take.


  Andino nodded. “Yeah, man.”

  “I thought … I mean, the family didn’t have a high opinion of her a few months ago, and all. I thought they had made it clear she wasn’t acceptable, or some shit. You kind of gave me the impression you didn’t know what the hell you were doing about them, her, or the rest.”

  “It’s not about them.”


  He knew that all too well. Sometimes when it came to their family, the best thing a man could do on the personal side of his life was shut the fuck down. Keep everything closed up tight. Make it clear nothing was open for discussion.

  John didn’t know if that’s what Andino had done when it came to Haven, or not. It also really didn’t fucking matter.

  Good for Andino.

  Whatever it took to get what the man wanted.

  John laughed, and clapped his cousin on the shoulder. Dragging Andino in for a quick, tight one-armed hug, the two men’s laughter colored up the front yard of the facility. Andino hugged John back with a firm hold.

  Some of John’s unease
about leaving the facility started to drift away in those few seconds. Despite how his disorder often colored up his impressions and perceptions of his family, he still found himself reminded time and time again of their loyalty and love for him.

  No, he didn’t mind at all that Andino brought his girl along. He appreciated it, really. He would make sure to take time and speak with Haven while she was there because it was what she, and Andino, deserved.

  Besides, the woman had to be something interesting to catch Andino Marcello’s eye, and steal his fucking heart.

  But for now …

  “Give me some time with Siena,” John said quietly as he pulled away from his cousin. “It’s been too long.”

  Andino stepped aside. “You got it, John.”

  All John needed to do was hold his hand out in Siena’s direction, and she instantly darted forward to catch it with her own. The second her warm palm fitted in his, and her fingers wove around his own, John’s world tilted back to its proper axis once more.

  Strange how that worked.

  It had been months since he looked at her—talked to her—and yet it took only one single touch from her to settle him. His restless heart calmed, and his tight chest relaxed. Everything that was right and good in his world was currently holding his hand. It was just a gesture. A small act of affection, but it was everything and more to John, too.

  Siena’s blue eyes met his, and her sweet smile grew a little more. Her olive-toned skin flushed with a happy pink when he bent down and caught her lips in a quick kiss. Maybe he should have asked if that was okay with her, but the way she kissed him back said it was just fucking fine, anyway.

  He had a million and one things to ask.

  About her.


  The outside.

  The families.


  The war she had alluded to the last time she was there with him.

  So damn much.

  And yet, all John wanted to do was kiss her. He only wanted to drag Siena closer, wrap his arms around her, and breathe her in. All her familiar warmth, scent, and love. All of her.

  The world ceased to exist.

  Nothing else mattered.

  Unfortunately, the facility had goddamn policies about public displays of affection, and that forced John to pull away from the kiss far sooner than he wanted to. Siena only grinned and kissed the pad of his thumb when he stroked her bottom lip.

  “Damn, I missed you,” he said.

  Through thick, lowered lashes, she watched him. “Did you?”

  “Every day.”

  “Every single day?”

  John smirked. “First thing on my mind in the morning.”

  “What about at night?”

  “Last thing I think about before I go to sleep, bella.”

  Siena’s love colored her happiness. John knew his wasn’t always as easy to see because he made a great effort to keep those vulnerable parts of himself well hidden from the world. It had become such a habit that he worried now whether or not the people who deserved to see his love could actually see it.

  People like Siena.

  She had her ways of reminding him everything was just fine. Her palm came up to cup the side of his face, and her thumb stroked his cheekbone.

  “I missed you, too.”

  “Walk with me,” he demanded.

  Siena nodded, and tucked in close to his side as they moved off the main walkway, and headed onto the cobblestone path that led all over the facility’s private, protected grounds. John took a quick look over his shoulder, and found Andino was still standing side by side with Haven. His cousin hugged the woman in close, and kissed the top of her head when she laughed about something.

  Yeah, John most definitely knew that look his cousin sported.

  Siena’s quiet little hum brought John’s attention right back to her. Glittering eyes looked him over, and she reached up to stroke his face once more with her fingertips. “I wish I had more time today.”

  John tried not to frown, and failed. “Andino didn’t say anything about you leaving.”

  “I only have a couple of hours before I have to be back. Yoga ends at two, so.”

  “Yeah, still doing that, huh?”

  Siena let out a hard breath, and looked away from him when she spoke again. “It’s the only way I can get out of my brothers’ sights for more than five minutes. Or hell, one of the enforcers they’re always sticking me with.”

  He didn’t like the sound of that.

  Not at all.

  “So what, they haven’t figured out that you sneak away when you’re supposed to be at yoga, yet?” he asked.

  “No.” Siena shrugged. “But I’ve only done it when I need to do something, or meet someone.”

  “Meet someone?”

  “Andino, mostly. Sometimes it’s someone else.”

  “Meet them for what?” he pressed.

  “Not important.”

  John tugged on his girl’s hand, and the action made her look at him. “It is important, amore. Why are you meeting people behind your brothers’ backs, and what’s happening that people aren’t telling me about?”

  “A lot.”

  “Like what?”

  Siena glanced over her shoulder, and back down the path. They had gone far enough that neither of them could see Andino or Haven any longer. John doubted his cousin would leave him alone for very long, especially not if the visit wasn’t meant to last.

  “Andino doesn’t want me—”

  “Fuck what he wants,” John said. “It’s me asking right now.”

  Siena looked down at the path. “There’s a lot of stuff that’s happened over the past little while since you came here. At first, the families tried to avoid a feud between them with more peaceful means. When all that went to shit, the violence really got started.”

  “You said war before.”

  “That’s the impression I got from my brothers.”

  “But was it?” he asked.

  Siena shook her head. “Not like it is now. It’s bad now.”


  “No one’s mentioned this to me when they visit,” he said.

  Siena cleared her throat. “You have to focus on you.”

  “I’m aware, but—”

  Quick as a blink, Siena had turned on her heel, and stopped John from walking any further on the pathway. Her hands came up to press against his chest, and her fingernails dug in just enough to make him suck in a sharp breath.

  She tipped her head up, and pressed a fast kiss to his lips. Just like that, everything he was worrying about was gone in an instant.

  The girl had many talents.

  Distracting him was just one.

  “I promised Andino I wouldn’t tell you,” Siena whispered against his lips. “Please just focus on you for the time you have left here, John.”

  “I am,” he assured her.

  His hands cupped her face, and he kept her close enough that she was forced to keep her eyes on only him. Nothing else but him.

  He needed to see her, too.

  “They mean well,” she said. “You have to trust them.”

  He heard her.

  He understood.

  It still was hard.


  SIENA STEPPED out of the cool complex into humid July air. It made the lingering wetness from the quick shower she had taken to get rid of the workout sweat stick to her skin. The smell of chlorine from the complex’s pool vanished with every breath of fresh air she took in.

  The day was beautiful, and the streets were quiet. A clear sky, and a bright sun that suggested no rain was on the horizon, despite the humidity. Siena couldn’t complain about that. Nobody wanted rain in the summer.

  Then, as quickly as her happiness came, it fled just as easily at the sight of the man waiting for her next to a running Mercedes.

  No, not her enforcer.

  Her brother.

  Darren pulled the aviator sunglasses he wor
e away from his face as Siena took the steps of the complex slowly. The longer she didn’t have to be in his presence, or talk to him, the better. He gave the simple black dress she wore a curious look, and his gaze narrowed on the bag she carried. She was barely within reach of her brother before he snatched the bag from her shoulder, and opened it up.

  What the hell?

  “Hey,” Siena snapped. “Give me that back, Darren.”

  “In a sec.”

  He didn’t even look up at her as he dug through her bag. His hands pulled out her personal effects without any care at all. All that was in there were her workout clothes, a bathing suit if she felt like using the pool when she came to the complex, the cell phone her brothers provided, and her wallet.

  Nothing more.

  Nothing less.

  Still, he kept looking like he expected to find something.

  He wouldn’t.

  Siena was not dumb.

  “Why are these clothes damp?” Darren asked.

  “Because working out makes people sweaty,” Siena said. “Which you know, gets on the fucking clothes you wear while you work out.”

  Not that her brother would know anything about exercising. The older Darren got, the rounder he became in his middle. Pear-shaped when it came to his body, while his hair was thinning at the top of his head. Sometimes, if she turned too fast, she was struck by how much he looked like their father.

  She figured that was probably a lot of Darren’s problem where his health was concerned. He had been spoiled too long by their father. He had become accustomed to eating whatever he wanted, and never cared for his body. He much preferred to sit behind a desk like their father had taught him to do, and issue orders, instead of doing something himself.

  So far, Kev had avoided behaving that way, too. He was still quite a spoiled, demanding man, however.

  “That’s disgusting.”

  Darren made a face, and handed the bag back to her as though the item had suddenly turned diseased. Screw him. Siena snatched it from his grasp with a dirty look, and slung the bag over her shoulder.

  “What in the hell was that all about?” she demanded. “I don’t go through your stuff like I have any business doing so.”

  Darren gave the complex a look, and then his sharp gaze cut back to Siena just as fast. She didn’t like the way his eyes glinted with something unknown. She couldn’t trust her brothers with a goddamn inch, to be honest.